This article describes some problems you might encounter when installing and using the ipushpull Excel add-in, and possible solutions for them.

My computer won't let me install ipushpull

Like most Excel add-ins, the ipushpull add-in is installed on a per-user basis. This means that if you install it on a shared machine it only gets installed for the user whose account was used to install it. If you need to install it for multiple users on the same box you must log in as each user in turn and repeat the installation for each of them.

Sometimes the security policies configured for a Windows user account can prevent the installer from working. This is particularly a problem when installing on a Windows server. For example, you might see this text: 

The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation

On the start menu, right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator. This will display a Command Prompt window.

In the command prompt, cd to the directory where you have saved the installer, then type the name of the installer (including the .msi extension - e.g. ipushpullExcelSetup1.11.5.0.msi) and hit return.

The installer will now be running as administrator, and should install correctly.

If Run as Administrator does not appear when you right-click, try holding down the CTRL key as you do it.


I can't see the ipushpull ribbon

Occasionally the installation appears to complete successfully but the ipushpull ribbon / toolbar is not displayed in Excel. This can be caused by not shutting down Excel before installation, or by having the preview pane activated in Windows Explorer.

To fix the problem, start Excel and select File | Options | Add-ins. The following screen will be displayed:

Select COM Add-ins from the drop down at the bottom of the screen then press the Go... button. The following pop-up will be displayed:

Make sure that the ipushpullRibbon option is ticked then click OK. The ribbon should now be displayed.

Excel is returning #NAME instead of running my ipush and ipull functions

On rare occasions Excel can disable add-ins. If this happens to the ipushpull add-in you may still be able to see the ribbon but our functions may not work - they just return #NAME.

To fix the problem, start Excel and select File | Options | Add-ins. The following screen will be displayed:

Select Excel Add-ins from the drop down at the bottom of the screen then press the Go... button. The following pop-up will be displayed:

Make sure that the ipushpull option is ticked then click OK. Your functions should now be working.


If you are still having problems please contact us for further help!