
This section describes how to set up the ipushpull DataLoader to use an MS Access database. It also includes a troubleshooting section with solutions to common problems.


  1. Start the DataLoader and click Configure Data Sources.

  2. The Data Sources list is displayed. Click the Add new source button.

  3. Enter a free text name in the Name field to help you remember the data source and select Microsoft Access from the Data source type dropdown.

  4. Enter the full path to the database in the Database file path field, or navigate to it by clicking this button: You can find the path to your database by starting Access, opening your database, selecting the File menu, clicking View and edit database properties, then clicking the General tab:In the example above the full path to the database is C:\Users\iPP2\Documents\Database2.accdb

  5. If the database is password protected, enter it in the Password field. Leave this field blank if it's not password protected.

  6. When complete, your configuration will look something like this:

  7. Press Test Connection to check that it's working. If all is well, you should see the following message:

  8. Click File | Save to save your configuration



'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider is not registered on the local machine'

This error message may be displayed when you test an MS Access connection or try to connect for the first time.

It means that a piece of Microsoft software that is required to connect the DataLoader to your database is not installed on your machine.

To solve the problem, download the version of the software suitable for your version of Access from Microsoft and install it. 

Once installed, restart the DataLoader and try again. 

In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options