In this article you will find out how to edit a page in ipushpull Web App, as well as how to find other settings such as AutoSave, Favourites, Access controls, Encryption, Page Settings, Page Embed and the page Delete button. You must have write access to the page which you are trying to edit.

1. Double click on a page cell to edit it


2. When you've finished editing, hit Enter or click outside the cell. Click the Save button to keep your changes or click the cross button to discard those changes. 


3. You can immediately update your data by turning on the Autosave button, which will automatically save any cell changes made

The current cell is highlighted in green. The Tab key moves to the next cell, the Enter key moves you to the next row. 

You can insert new rows and columns using the appropriate buttons on the toolbar.

In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options