Deliver your data to your teams or clients into their workflow tool of choice or using ipushpull applications

Share your data with your teams or clients

The easiest way to share pages is via the SHARE button on the top right. With this you can share data with existing users, or invite new users to sign up to access the service. For premium clients with enterprise administration controls, you can also add users via the User Manager in the admin console.

Control their access

Once users have been granted permission to the service you can then configure what data is accessible to each user and whether it is read-only or read-write via the folder access grid. You can also assign which users should have the ability to control this. Views adhere to this same access control, so that although you may choose to make a view available to all users, they will only be able to access the data if they have access to the underlying data itself.

View your data on the web, in Excel and chat

Once shared, data is presented in all supported applications according to the type of data. Data updates in real-time on web apps and Excel, triggers live notifications into email, chat and SMS, and responds to data-on-demand queries in your chosen chat platform.

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