If you are not receiving your SMS alerts, please check the following:

Have you asked us to enable SMS Alerts for your account?

ipushpull SMS alerts are a premium feature. If you'd like to test them or sign up, please contact sales@ipushpull.com

Are you sending to a signed-up ipushpull user?

By default you can only send SMS alerts to an existing ipushpull user. You can't send to other mobile phone numbers.

Have you entered the number(s) you are texting in the correct format in your spreadsheet?

The fifth column of the alerts page should be a comma-separated list of the phone numbers you want to send the alert to. The numbers should be entered in international format, beginning with a plus sign and the country code e.g. +441234567890. You may need to format the cell as Text to prevent Excel converting the phone number into an actual number!

Is the number entered in the correct format in user's profile?

To configure your phone number in ipushpull, select the Profile menu in the top right of the ipushpull web app and click User Settings. Enter your mobile number, including a plus sign and country code, in the Mobile Phone Number field.

Are you sending to an Indian mobile phone number?

The Indian National Do Not Call Registry imposes restrictions on sending SMS messages to Indian mobile numbers. As a result your service provider may block our messages completely, restrict the number you can receive each day or only deliver them between 9am and 9pm.

Details from our SMS provider (Twilio) here.

You can update your DNC preferences here.