This article describes how to navigate between your folders, pages and other parts of the ipushpull web application.

When you log in to ipushpull, you can find your Workspaces, folder(s) and pages under the ipushpull logo. 


1. Click on Workspaces in the left hand toolbar 


2. To bring up your list of available Workspaces dashboards or create a new Workspace


Folder(s) and pages

1. To bring up folder(s) and pages click on Open page in the left hand toolbar 


2. This brings up all your pages in their collapsible folders. You can also search for a page or folder in the "Open Page" search box


Create a new page, folder or Workspace

To Create a new page, page from template, folder or Workspace, click on the Create button


Return to the dashboard by clicking on the ipushpull logo.

In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options