This article describes how to use the ipushpull Dashboard and how to Favourite or bookmark your pages for easy access.

When you log in to ipushpull for the first time on a new device, the full ipushpull dashboard will be displayed. 

At the top is a friendly message from us, then below is a selection of your most recently visited pages.

You will also be able to see the following sections:


You can customise the dashboard by adding shortcuts to your favourite pages so you don't have to search through your folders for them. To add a shortcut, go to the page you are interested in and click on the Heart button in the page toolbar.


Once clicked your page will appear in the favourites section of the dashboard, you can also find this in the top section of the Folders and Pages navigation


In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options