ipushpull for the Enterprise supports the following set of User roles:

Each role has its own set of entitlements. Users can be granted one or more roles, depending on their responsibilities and the workflows they participate in. For example, a user could be a Folder Administrator for one folder, and a Regular User in another folder.

This article describes the entitlements for each role.

Organisation Administrator

An Organisation Administrator has full control over their ipushpull environment. Organisation Admins have the following entitlements:

Folder Administrator

A Folder Administrator has control over one or more ipushpull Folders delegated to them by the Organisation Administrator. Typically, they have the following entitlements:

Folder Page Administrator

A Folder Page Administrator has content management and access control for a subset of a Folder’s pages delegated to them by the Folder Administrator. Typically, they have the following entitlements:

Folder Regular User

A Folder Regular User can consume or update page content depending on the access they have been granted. Their entitlements:

In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options