This page describes how to add Tasks to your ipushpull pages. Tasks can do the following:

Tasks can be triggered from events on your page, like a button press. All tasks can be conditional on values in fields in your data. You can also trigger multiple tasks from the same event.

All these options can be configured for a page by selecting the Tools | Actions menu option. Note that before you can configure a Task you must first create a Button to trigger it. To link your Button to your Task, choose the name of the button you already created from the NEW TASK dropdown:

To create complex custom notifications you can use our macro language. See this page for more details.

Note that you must invite the ipushpull bot into any chatroom you want to send a message into.


How do I send a notification into a chat?

Notifications can contain fixed text, values from cells in the grid, Symphony mentions/hash tags/cash tags, or a combination of all three.

1. To create a Notification task choose 

Send chat message from the ACTION TYPE dropdown:

2. Choose whether your chat messages should be Text (a single line message) or a Symphony Card (a message with a Header and a collapsible body).

3. To send a message simply saying "Hello" into the chat, enter Hello into the dialog:


5. Click the button linked to the task. Your message will be posted into the chat:

See this page for how to enter more complex messages, including cell values and Symphony tags.


How do I launch the 'Share on Symphony' dialog?

You can define a Task that launches the Share on Symphony dialog, with a custom message generated from cell values in the current page.

1. To create a Share on Symphony task, select your button range from the dropdown then select Share Page from the ACTION TYPE dropdown.

2. Enter a Title and some additional Blurb to be included in your share message:

In this above example, the title of the message will include the value of the cell on the same row as the button but four to the left, plus the first name of the user who pressed the button:

="Task ID "&VALUE(OFFSET(0,-4))&" Updated by "&IPPVAR("firstname")

3. When finished, click ADD ACTION then UPDATE TASK then SAVE ACTIONS

Now when a user clicks the button, the Share on Symphony dialog will be launched and will look like this:


How do I update values in other cells?

You can configure a button that updates the value of other cells when clicked. The new values can include times, usernames and combinations of values from other cells. You can trigger multiple cell updates from a single button click.

1. To create a Value Update task, select your button range from the dropdown then select Change Cell Value from the ACTION TYPE dropdown.

2. Enter the location of the cell you want to update using the =OFFSET(row_offset, column_offset) function. Then enter the value you want to insert into that cell.

In this example the current time is being inserted into the cell offset by one column to the right of the button:

In this example, the first name of the user who pressed the button is being inserted into the cell offset by two columns to the right of the button:

To create complex custom notifications you can use our simple macro language. See this page for more details. 

In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options