Share live data to Slack from Excel using ipushpull

ipushpull lets you easily share live and static data from desktop Excel spreadsheets into your Slack channel. This page explains the steps to take to get up and running.

1. Sign up for ipushpull and install our Excel add-in

First click here to sign up for a free account.

Then log in and download the Excel add-in and follow the instructions to install it.

2. Set up ipushpull app for Slack

1. Visit the ipushpull for Slack webpage

2. Click the Add to Slack button

3. Click Authorise to add ipushpull to your team

3. Push some data from your Excel sheet

Push data from Excel to an ipushpull page, either manually or in real time.

Click here to learn how to push data to an ipushpull page manually.

Click here to learn how to push real-time data from Excel.

4. Pull your data into your Slack channel

Use the following command to pull your data into your Slack Channel:

/ipp pull <folder_name> <page_name> live

So if your folder is called my_folder and your page is called my_page, your command will look like this

/ipp pull my_folder my_page live

Your Excel data will be displayed in your Slack channel as you can see below. Press the Start/Stop Updates toggle button to start and stop updates to your data. Click Open in ipushpull to view the data in its original format, or click Download in Excel to open the data in an Excel sheet.

You can see an example of one of our live pages by running this command:

/ipp pull LiveDemoPages DemoStocks live

For full instructions type /ipp help in Slack or visit this page. That's also the place to go if you are having any problems.

5. Get in Touch!

We're always looking to improve our service! If you would like to speak to a member of our team or have any suggestions, please contact us.

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