Pushing Data from Excel using the ipush Function

This article describes how to use the ipush in-cell function to push live updating data from your Excel spreadsheets to ipushpull.

ipushpull lets you push data from Excel in several ways. The ipush in-cell function is especially suited to fast updating data (e.g. financial information) as it is very efficient and adds little overhead to your spreadsheet calculations.

Here's the syntax:

=ipush(PageName, FolderName, ValueRange, FormatRange, StyleRange, Interval, Update) 

  • PageName - the name of the page you wish to update with the contents of the range of cells you specify below

  • FolderName - the name of the Folder the Page belongs to

  • ValueRange - the range of cells containing the data you wish to push to iPushPull

  • FormatRange - OPTIONAL the range of cells containing the data formats you wish to push to ipushpull (e.g. Excel data formats, number of decimal places)

  • StyleRange - OPTIONAL the range of cells containing the data styles (e.g. colours, alignment) you wish to push to iPushPull

  • Interval - OPTIONAL Minimum number of seconds between updates. Defaults to setting from server

  • Update - OPTIONAL Turns publication of the Page on or off. TRUE or FALSE. Default is TRUE.

  • FullColor - OPTIONAL Pushes full colours, including conditional formatting and table formats. May impact performance. TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE. See this page for details.

See the note below for a more detailed explanation of the three different ranges. 

Examples (in each case we are pushing the contents of cells A1:F10 to iPushPull):

Push Type


Push values and styles

=ipush("my_page", "my_folder", "A1:F10", "A1:F10", "A1:F10")

Push values only

=ipush("my_page", "my_folder", "A1:F10")

Push every minute

=ipush("my_page", "my_folder", "A1:F10", "A1:F10", "A1:F10", 60)

Turn Push off

=ipush("my_page", "my_folder", "A1:F10", "A1:F10", "A1:F10",,FALSE)


When you enter an iPush into your spreadsheet it should look something like this:

In this case we are pushing the contents of the set of cells B2:D4 to the iPushPull page stock_page in the folder my_folder.


It's usually more convenient to type the page name, folder name etc. in their own cells, and also to name the range you want to push: 

In this case the values for page name, folder name, interval and Update flag have been specified in their own cells, and rather than having the values explicitly defined in the function, the function points to these cells instead. This makes it easier to make changes later.

The range B2:D4 has also been named STOCK_RANGE and this is specified in the function instead of the actual cells.


ValueRange vs. FormatRange vs. StyleRange

If you are only interested in sharing your data between spreadsheets and don't need to view it on the web, just specify the ValueRange. This will make ipush even faster but will mean that the data will not be styled when you view it on a web page. 

If you want to capture Excel formatting for the values in your range (e.g. date formats – 17th June 2017 rather than 17/06/2017 and number formats - 1.23456 rather than 1.23) then specify the FormatRange.

If you want to capture the styling of the cells (e.g. colours, fonts, alignment) then also specify the StyleRange.

For most purposes the three ranges should be exactly the same. However, it is acceptable to push different ranges for these three parameters as long as they have the same number of rows and columns.

For more information about the styles and formatting information supported by the ipush function see this page.