Freezing and Unfreezing Rows and Columns

This article describes how to freeze the top rows and leftmost columns of your ipushpull Pages, so that they remain in place when you scroll down or across the page. This is very helpful when you are navigating around large pages.

If you are the owner of the page then the panes will be saved and frozen for all visitors to the page, if you do not own the page then the panes will only be frozen temporarily.


1. To freeze certain panes click on the pane below the ones you'd like to freeze


2. Click on the View dropdown in the top right page toolbar. There you will see Freeze options, if you select Freeze Panes then anything above the selected cell will remain visible when you are scrolling


Such as in the example below:


You can also choose to freeze the top row or freeze the first column only, the options for this are located in the same drop down as above.


3. To unfreeze the rows and columns on a Page, click View, then Unfreeze Panes

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