Enterprise Access Control Folder Admins

When a User has been granted Folder Admin rights to a Folder, they are able to grant and revoke other Users' access to that Folder using the ipushpull web app.

How can Folder Admins view who has access to their Folder?

1. First, log into ipushpull. Next, select the folder from your folder list then click the gear wheel icon to the right of the folder name:


2. Next, select the Access tab at the top right of the page

To display the list of current folder users and their access rights:

In this example, the user katy@ipushpull.com has Folder Admin rights, while jamie@ipushpull.com has Read Write access. There is also one suspended user d@ipushpull.com.


How can Folder Admins invite new users to their Folder?

1. To invite a new user to a folder,  start entering their email or user name in the Search bar. If the user already exists then their name will be suggested. Note that in Enterprise Mode you can only invite users who have already been created by your Organisation Admin. Folder Admins cannot create user accounts on the system.


2. Click on the suggested name to add it to the invitation box then click ADD to invite them (you can search for and add more users before doing this):


3. Once invited, their name will appear in the Pending Users section:

New folder users are granted RW access by default, but you can modify this now or later using the dropdown. When the user accepts their invitation, they will be moved to the list of Current Users.