Enterprise Create and Manage Folders

How do I create a new folder?

1. First, launch the Admin Console. To access the console, log in to ipushpull and select the Admin Console menu in the bottom left corner of the screen which can be accessed by users with the Organisation Admin role


2. Next, select Folder Management from the right hand menu and click the CREATE FOLDER (+) button:


3. Enter the folder details and press CREATE:


  • Name - alphanumeric name for folder, can include underscores and hyphens

  • Display Name - long name for folder

  • Description - text description of what the folder is for (optional)


How do I modify an existing folder?

In Folder Management from the left hand menu, find the folder you want to update (you can use the filter boxes at the top to help you). Finally, click the EDIT button on the right hand side next to its name.

Make your changes then hit UPDATE to save them.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.