This article explains how you can let other ipushpull users view or modify your private pages. It covers ipushpull's Enterprise Mode for user access control. For Standard Mode please see this page.


About Page Access

When you create a page in ipushpull only you and Folder Administrators have access to it. If you want to let other users have access to it you can make it public

Note that only Folder Administrators are able to modify page access rights.


Page Access Control - Enterprise Mode

1. Invite the User to your folder:

To grant someone access to your private pages you must first invite them to your folder.


2. To do so you need to navigate to Page Access settings. First Click on Open Page in the left toolbar to bring up your list of folders and pages


3. Click on the gearwheel next to your folder name in the folder/page list on the left of the ipushpull web app. If you do not see this symbol you are not an Administrator for the folder

4. Then select the Page Access tab at top right of the screen:


Know your way around the Page Access screen

You will now see a grid with the pages in the folder across the top and the users who have access to the folder down the side. The intersection between the page and the user shows what access that user has to that page - either Read Only (RO), Read/Write (RW) or No access (NO):

Know your way around the Folder Page Access screen

This screen lets you create groups of users and grant them access to groups of pages. For example, you may create a group for your accounts department containing all the staff members in that department. You can then grant them Read Only or Read/Write access to a group of pages. If a user leaves the team, you simply remove them from the group and they automatically lose access to their pages.

This screen is split into four columns:

When you are happy with the changes you've made, click the Save Changes button. You can also Discard Changes without saving and Delete groups you no longer need

If a user is granted read access to a page in one group, and read/write access to the same page in another group, then they inherit the most powerful of the two grants i.e. read/write access.


See a summary of Access Rights in your Folder

To see the overall page access rights for users in your folder, click on the blue User Page Access Summary button. This displays a view-only grid of each user's access rights to each page:


In 'Content by label' macros expand options and add sort by 'title' and un-check the label and space options