Actions: Functions reference

ipushpull Actions let you create Buttons, set Conditional Formats and trigger Tasks from your pages. This article summarises the range of functions you can use in your Actions. Note that many functions can be nested inside each other.



Returns the value of a cell.



returns the value of the current cell


returns the value of the cell at the absolute reference on the page

e.g. =VALUE(A1) returns the value of the top left cell of the page

=VALUE(OFFSET(row_offset, column_offset))

returns the value of the cell offset by row_offset rows and col_offset columns

e.g. =VALUE(OFFSET(-2,1)) returns the value of the cell two rows up and 1 column to the right



Returns an ipushpull user variable.



returns the email address of the current user


returns the first name of the current user


returns the last name of the current user


returns the ipushpull username of the current user


=SYTAG(tag_type, tag_value)

Generates a Symphony tag suitable for including in notification messages.


=SYTAG("mention", "email")

creates a Symphony mention in a notification message for the user specified by their email address

e.g. =SYTAG("mention", "")

inserts a Symphony mention for John Smith into your message

=SYTAG("mention", IPPVAR("email"))

inserts a Symphony mention for the current user into your message

=SYTAG("cash", "BARC")

inserts a Symphony cashtag for the specified instrument into your message

=SYTAG("hash", "BARC")

inserts a Symphony hashtag for the specified instrument into your message

=SYTAG("chime", "")

Sends a Symphony chime to the user

=SYTAG("emoji", "grinning")

Include an emoji in your message. See Symphony's full emoji library documentation. Use the emoji short code without the colons at the start and end 


=DATETIME("format", "timezone")

Returns the current date/time in the specified format.



Full date/time in UTC timezone.





Other supported functions

The app supports a range of additional functions. These can be used when generating notifications, updating cells or posting data into other systems.

  • Arithmetic operations like +, -, /, *, %, ^

  • Logical operations like AND(), OR(), NOT(), XOR()

  • Comparison operations like =, >, >=, <, <=, <>

  • Maths constants like PI(), E(), LN10(), LN2(), LOG10E(), LOG2E(), SQRT1_2(), SQRT2()

  • Relative and absolute cell coordinates like A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1

  • Build-in variables like TRUE, FALSE, NULL

  • Excel formulas