Send Live & Streaming Data from Excel

The Excel add-in is only supported on Microsoft Windows Desktop Excel

1. Sign up for ipushpull and install our Excel add-in

First, make sure you or your account admin have signed up to ipushpull and installed our Excel add-in. For help installing it see .

2. Log in to ipushpull and open the ipushpull Demo Sheet

  • Start Excel, select the ipushpull tab on the Excel ribbon then Login (A)

  • Press the Start button (B) to enable pushing and pulling from your sheet

  • To open our demo sheet, select Excel as Data Source from the Start Here menu:


  • Click the 2. Live Push tab to see the push example:


You send data from your Excel sheet using the iPush() function. This function sends the values, styles and formatting for the Excel range you’ve selected to ipushpull each time your data updates. It can then be viewed in any of our client apps.

We’ve already added a sample iPush() function into cell J17 in the Live Push demo sheet. Next you’ll configure it by entering your Folder and Page name. If you don’t know your Folder and Page Name, you can find them in the ipushpull app here.

  • Before you enter your folder and page names the iPush() function will return an error message:

  • Enter your Data Page Name into the cell coloured orange (J13).

  • Enter your Folder Name into the cell coloured yellow (J14).

  • Once you have entered your folder and page names correctly the iPush() function will return a success message:

If you don’t see the Success message, check out our troubleshooting section below.

If you do see the Success message, you can now view your data in the ipushpull web app or any of our other client apps.

4. Troubleshooting iPush() Error messages

Some common error messages and how to solve them:

Invalid page or folder


  • the folder and page exists

  • you have spelled your folder and page name correctly

  • you have access to the pages - select My Pages | Refresh Pages from the Excel ribbon if the page has just been created or you have just been granted access to it

Paused - Press Start to continue

Updates are paused. Press the Start button on the Excel ribbon to enable pushing from the sheet.

Please login to ipushpull

You are not logged in. Click the Login button on the Excel ribbon to login.

User not authorized for page

You only have read access to the page and are not permitted to update it. Ask your folder admin to give you write access.

Next Step:

Step 2. Onboard your users and set up their Client apps